Monday, May 2, 2011

Seniors :)

Literally just back from senior night and I'm already thinking about how much I'm going to miss all of you.

I remember when I came to Trinity, I was always worried about getting picked on as a freshman. I guess it's just the paranoia in me. But that never happened. And going into my sophomore year I was even more optimistic about how much better this year was going to be than my last.

Everyone seemed so welcoming no matter what. Whether it was a wave or a smile or a conversation in the music lounge, things just always seemed to be bright.

The seniors that I got to know better this year inspired me more than I could have ever thought. First of all, you all are so talented and inspire me to be a better performer. I've always had issues with feeling like I was any good at my instrument, but after watching you all perform and seeing how hard you all work...I've wanted to be so much better. Also, each of you has shown me (and many others no doubt) how caring and compassionate you can be. I would really like to say some personal things to the seniors that I got to know better this year. I would tell them in person, but I'm so awkward. Let's face wouldn't come out right in the slightest.

Jess-The moment I heard you play, I've always looked up to the way you perform. Flawless (at least it seems to be :) ). And then when we would have conversations with other people in the music lounge, I got to see how personable you were as well. You always listened to what other people said and genuinely cared. Just those smiles and waves when we'd see each other on campus went a long way for me. Especially on days that were a little more gloomy than the rest.

Rachel D-I had always known that you were in choir, but I remember I was stunned when I first heard you sing in one of McNeil's voice recitals. I guess it's just always an experience when you first hear someone sing, but you really do have beautiful and unique voice. Also, you are literally one of the sweetest people I have ever met. It was always so easy to have a conversation with you and I don't remember ever feeling uncomfortable around you. You always seemed open to speaking your mind and listening to others opinions.

Cristina-I honestly thought you were going to forget who I was when you went abroad for a semester :P I was always thinking "oh, she's too cool for me. It's not a big deal if she doesn't remember who I am." But I was so flattered when you did. You're always so much fun to be around and you have become one of my favorite performers to watch. You make all of it looks so easy and effortless. I love your happy-go-lucky attitude about things and I hope to be more like that in the future. It's like when you walk into a room, everyone becomes happier. Don't forget about me when you're a famous singer/dancer!

Katie-I have had such a great time getting to know you. I love your honesty and your willingness to just say what you feel and not care what people think about it. I also love how quirky you are and embrace it. Whenever I would talk to you, I'd always feel better about things I had been a bit self-conscious about or not willing to say before. Whether you saw it or not, you really gave me a confidence to embrace who I am and not sacrifice it for anyone else's sake. Your performances are mesmerizing to watch. You also make your playing look effortless and I hope that I can do that with my playing as well.

Brent-Brent, Brent...where do I even begin? I remember when we ushered some concert last semester and I didn't really know you very well, but you would still strike up conversation with me. For some reason, people don't usually do that with me so, it meant a lot. I wish I had gotten to know you better sooner because you really are such a down-to-earth and humble person. Those qualities seem to not be present in as many people as they should these days. You're especially humble about your playing. I love that. You're so talented, but it doesn't seem like you let that boost any ego that you have at all. And I need to mention the laugh? Of course I do. Whether it was in the music lounge or heard from the 3rd story of the music building or in Rachel's case....across campus, it's so recognizable and brought a smile to me even on my worst days.

So, again...thank you to all of you for the way you've touched my life. I know you've done the same and much more for others throughout your time here. We're all going to miss you and wish you all the best as you continue your studies and careers. Thank goodness for Facebook so we can all know the great things you will accomplish in the future!

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