Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Convention Day 1

4 am- wake up (and just as a warning, this is the reason for any spelling mistakes or crazed sounding comments that I might type right now...or for the rest of the week for that matter)
4:15am - eat breakfast
4:30am - go to airport
5:45am - finally check my bag and make it through security
6:00am - get on plane (next to mother and her infant...didn't sleep)
6:30am - depart for Chicago (delayed)
9:15am get to Chicago
9: 20am get on new plane to go to Rochester (thank the MOE Convention gods that the gate I just got off of was right next to my new gate, bc other wise i wouldn't have made it)
11ish? (time at this point was blurring together) - arrive in Rochester
At the airport- use my MOE jersey to attract other Mu Phi members- it worked. Five came flocking towards me after I got off the plane
Take shuttle to hotel
Check in to hotel and convention
Spend the afternoon in the hotel room telling myself i'm going to sleep, but instead my exhaustion told me to call Heather, so I rambled to her for a while about Mu Phi, Rochester (it's like 80 degrees and it RAINED- what is this miracle?) while going through my goody bag. MOE Chap Stick FTW!

Mingle time! Hang out with Elda (our district director who came to initiation). All the alum were mingling and chatting and new everyone else and all the collegiates were standing around awkwardly trying to meet people to avoid being all alone. Elda introduced me to the other Texas chapters that were there- the pres and vp from Texas State and the pres of Baylor. We all snagged a table at the back of the ballroom where we had our welcome meeting. There was music and there were awards and there was singing. Lots of Mu Phi songs. I made videos! I'll post them for you all soon. So fantastic. We should sing all the time.

Ok i'm going to sleep now. update later. fb pictures are up

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