Tuesday, August 9, 2011

International Convention tomorrow!

Hello everyone!

Tomorrow I'll be heading out to represent our fantastic Beta Kappa Chapter at the International Mu Phi Epsilon convention in Rochester, New York!

I just finished printing out the giant packet of Bylaws from the last convention in 2008 (the conventions are every 4 years with district meetings the two proceeding years and an off year following).

I've been looking at the schedule for the 4 day adventure and there is going to be A LOT of music. Basically every hour, we have a musical interlude. There will be performances during meal times, during business meetings,  in the evenings, basically all the time.

I'm hoping that I'm not the only music minor that just so happens to love Mu Phi more than anything in her major. I'm figuring that there has to be another chapter like Trinity's that is pretty chill with a wide range of interests.

A side goal I have for this trip is to find the representatives from nearby chapters (UTSA & Texas State mostly). How awesome would it be if we had a huge Founders Day celebration with the other chapters and alumni from all over the SA area? I think it would be fun to get to know other Mu Phi members and see how other chapters function.

Ok, now I have to go pack. Which will be a process because I still have clothes in my suitcases from just moving into my apartment, so unpacking, packing... story of any college student's life.

Then I'll get on a plane (at 6am. boo) and the next you'll hear from me will be from New York!

Mu Phi Lovin'

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